Calista, or Cali for short, was raised in Kendrick, Idaho; population 299. Her love for interior design was inspired by the historic buildings of her small town and the gorgeous mountains, lakes, canyons, and flowers that surrounded it. Cali came from a family of “fixers”. She was taught to use whatever was available and passed down the notion that hard work and kindness would get a person anywhere.
Hard work for Cali meant DIY projects that came in many forms. Whether it be painting walls, replacing flooring, or a complete renovation, projects were always a family affair. Coming from a family of carpenters, Cali is a talented furniture maker. She is inspired by anything that she can remake or improve and loves the challenge of a complete transformation. Cali can’t stand to be wasteful (a personality characteristic she attributes to her grandparents), hence her passion for creating beauty out of furniture people have discarded. Cali bought used furniture at the local Goodwill and transformed old, sad pieces into one of a kind works of art to sell back to the community.
At the age of 22, Cali has worked as a professional painter, retail manager, electrical panel builder, and a landscaper to name a few. Cali is truly a “Jill” of all trades, even raising pigs for her county fair that won 3 blue ribbons and over $1,000! Despite being exceptionally focused and hardworking, Cali has a sweet and light-hearted spirit. As an employee of her hometown grocery store, customers frequently heard her singing over the intercom. However, after all of her experiences she has always come back to interior design saying, “I have never given up my passion for design. Every free moment I have has always been spent on redesigning any piece of furniture I can get my hands on”.
Cali came to Colorado seeking adventure only 6 months ago, after hearing that Heritage had expanded from Portland to Denver. Together Cali and her boyfriend purchased and refurbished a 5th-wheel camper and created their very own personalized mobile home prior to moving to Colorado. Cali took out the bathroom door and built and installed a customized wooden “barndoor” in its place. They installed laminate countertops and flooring and painted every inch of the space. They created a custom wood wall and bar top and Cali sewed drapes for every window.
Once she finishes the Master’s Program at Heritage, Cali plans on starting her own business: Calista Z. Designs. She seeks to design perfect spaces for her clients, integrating her one of a kind furniture pieces. Cali describes her design style as farmhouse, mixed with vibrant colors integrating lots of wood. In the future, Calista Z. Designs will design both outside living and inside spaces with a creative edge; furniture pieces individually designed for each unique space. Calista says she loves to surprise people with what she can do, and we cannot wait to see what she has in store for us!